In light of the recent protests sparked by the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, New Note recognises the ongoing struggle that many face with regards to discrimination and structural racism. Racist crimes and the devastating impact that COVID-19 is having on the BAME communities across the world need to be recognised and challenged. We[…]
Posts by:
Molly Mathieson
“At first lockdown was very hard for me, very tricky, I didn’t think I was going to get through it – panic, craziness, four walls, isolation, I didn’t think I was going to cope with it to be honest.” Nine weeks on though and 59-year-old Warner, a bassist with New Note Orchestra, is now composing[…]
Have a Go Making Music Why New Note Orchestra’s creative process is open to all One question we’re often asked by our audience is ‘how do you write the music?’. The short answer normally describes a collaboration of ideas; each orchestra member contributing musical phrases through improvisation that are eventually shaped by our artistic director[…]
Start your New Year with a warm heart by going cold turkey for New Note Projects. Pledge your support this January 2020. Whether it’s sugar, shopping, social media or Sauvignon Blanc, by giving something up this January you can help yourself alongside someone struggling with addiction issues in Brighton and Hove. Work as a team[…]
We received a standing ovation for our performance at The Attenborough Centre, University of Sussex on World Kindness day. Here is what Prof Robin Banerjee had to say about the performance. “The performance of Kind Rebellion at the Attenborough Centre on World Kindness Day was a remarkable one, and I think every single person attending[…]
Founder Molly Mathieson, Artistic Director Conall Gleeson and founding fathers Dan, Nick and Roger tell Jon Wilde the journey they have been on to create the first recovery orchestra in the world. Read the article here
We are so proud to be identified as an exemplary model of recovery services in the community by the Centre for Social Justice. We were included in their government report ‘Road to Recovery. Addiction in our society – the case for reform’. It features Dan’s personal testimony. See Chapter Eight, page 75. Read the report
The New Note Orchestra played two performances in front of a full house at Brighton Museum on May 4. The event was part of ‘The Musical Museum’, a full day of inspiring sounds designed to “stimulate the body’s natural feel good chemicals and connect us to an improved sense of well being.” Musical director Conall[…]
Gregory won the acoustic guitar.
We had such a fantastic night at Komedia, Brighton on 30th September 2019 for Guitars Save Lives. This was the first time we had run this event and it was a sell out! Well done to Gregory for winning the brand new acoustic Fender which was given a personalised signature from Robert Plant.
Do you believe that music can inspire people? Then we need you. New Note Projects is an award winning charity, based in Brighton, that uses music to create life changing experiences for people who have experienced addiction, homelessness and mental health issues. We have been established for three years and are now looking at how[…]
Roger and Molly on BBC Sussex The Allison Ferns show. Roger, one of the founding fathers of New Note Orchestra was invited onto the radio to talk to Allison Fern. He highlights the direct link between drug and alcohol addiction and homelessness. He talks openly about how alcoholism affected him and how he came to[…]